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Opening a Pointcloud

It is possible to open a pointcloud from all viewer-windows.

From the map or oblique window

First click on the pointcloud button in the menu bar. Then click on a location on the map, this location will be opened in a new window.

From the cyclorama window

Click on the pointcloud button in the menu bar and a new window will open with this location.

Can I see a whole municipality in one pointcloud?

This depends on the size of the municipality. Most municipalities are divided into regions which can be seen separately. Every time a pointcloud is opened, Street Smart automaticaly selects the correct pointcloud section.

How many versions of pointcloud are available online?

The most recent version of the pointcloud is visible in Street Smart. Downloading (parts of) a pointcloud is only possible from this version. As soon as a newer version is available, it replaces the previous pointcloud.

Updated on January 31, 2023

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