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Search for a location

You can quickly access a location by entering its address in the search bar. The auto-complete bar will suggest options as you type. On enter the corresponding location and nearest Cyclorama will be opened for your automatically.

Every time you search for a location, this location will be added to your dashboard list, so you can quickly go back to it later. In addition, it will appear in the drop-down list of recent searches (Previous results), which is triggered when you start typing in the search box.

You can also look for a coordinate or an extent within your selected srs or with another srs. Always enter latitude first then longitude. Example with srs set to EPSG:27700

  • Coordinate: 533684.81, 180781.78
  • Coordinate with srs: 51.5101574, -0.074998;EPSG:4326
  • Extent: 533684.81, 180781.78, 533784.81, 180881.78
  • Extent with srs: 51.5101574, -0.074998, 51.5121574, -0.076998;EPSG:4326

When looking for an extent a Cyclorama will not be opened automatically.

Updated on December 16, 2022

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