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Notes for GlobeSpotter users

Have you been using GlobeSpotter? Then please read the following notes for switching from GlobeSpotter to Street Smart.

  • Street Smart currently only supports viewing, measuring and overlay capabilities. It is not yet possible to make drawings or use the playlist functionality.
  • Some key shortcuts that you are used to are not yet implemented in this version of Street Smart.
  • icon-clockThe date range selector of GlobeSpotter is replaced by a simpler, visual historical imagery selector, which can be opened by clicking on the time icon (clock ) or the recording date in the top of the Cyclorama viewer.
  • The sidebar of GlobeSpotter is replaced by simpler functions in the bottom of the screen, which leaves more space for the map and Cyclorama viewers.
  • Although you can already search for address locations using the search box, it does not yet fully support all search functionality from GlobeSpotter.

The new interface is designed to improve user friendliness and enhance productivity. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please use the feedback section in the home screen menu (press the home icon near the top of the screen to open the home screen).

Mis à jour le janvier 9, 2018