Why are the Cyclorama recording locations not visible in the map? Camera recording locations are only visible if: You zoom in close enough on the map (up or beyond the horizontal...
How do I open multiple Cycloramas? Hold shift + click on a Cyclorama recording location (blue/green/orange circle) to open that particular Cyclorama in a new window.
How can I see who is logged into Street Smart on this computer? First press the home icon near the top of the screen to go to the home screen. Information about your...
How can I turn on/off overlays in Cycloramas? Overlays that are visible in Cycloramas can be turned on or off in the Overlays menu in the Cyclorama viewer....
Shortcuts The following shortcuts can be used when hovering over a viewer: Shortcut Map Cyclorama Oblique Pointcloud Ctrl + alt +...
Change password On the dashboard of Street Smart it’s possible to change your password. You can also change it from the reset...